As an African American Woman, At What Age Should I Consider Having a Mammogram?

Take the initiative and start your mammograms at age 30, and get a mammogram every year.

Since breast cancer in African American women before the age of 40 is twice as frequent as the rate in the general population, you must begin to look for it at an earlier time.

Statistics show that African American women tend to detect breast cancer in its later stages. The key is to find it early.

Have annual mammograms, do monthly breast self-exams and take advantage of the technology of breast thermography.

Commit to being proactive in your breast health.  Get annual mammograms, do monthly breast self exams, and take advantage of the technology of breast thermography, and do your part in adopting a healthier, greener diet and get daily exercise. At BreastHealthOnline we can help you work on these things.

  • Thursday, 14 June 2012