Featured Sponsors
- Travel-Ticker.com
- Dr. Sacha Obaid
- Dr. Charles Newman
- Discountrue.com
- Phlebotomy Training
- Tobi
- Dr. Grant Stevens
- Ornata
- Dr. Luis Macias
- Breast Oasis
BreastHealthOnline is always looking to help our members through their journeys, and some of these breast surgeries involve an actual journey! When a member travels to surgeons outside their area, there are extra costs involved. Travel-Ticker.com is a great resource for finding the perfect hotel at the best price.
Travel-Ticker.com also reaches out to non-profits, such as BreastHealthOnline, to support the missions that directly help you. Please check them out and find yourself a great place to await or recover from surgery, or when you're healed and ready to take a vacation in that new bikini!
Meet Dr. Sacha Obaid - a Harvard Medical School educated Board Certified Plastic Surgeon and the director at North Texas Plastic Surgery.Dr. Obaid is highly skilled in cosmetic surgery, studying the finer points of breast augmentation, facial rejunvenation, rhinoplasty, abdominoplasty and liposuction. His studies and honors include published breast reconstruction research and helping children with facial differences.Dr. Obaid's education and skills represent the very best of cutting edge breast surgery, care and procedures. His commitment to his patients, both in his practice and in the community, is evident in all areas of surgical care he provides.We would like to thank Dr. Obaid for supporting our mission to provide the best breast health care information and services to individuals all around the world.At BreastHealthOnline our focus is helping our members live better lives in every way possible. Discountrue.com is on point with our mission to bring smart living advice as well as the best value for the dollar. You'll find frugal living tips and loads of coupons from everywhere imaginable here. Plus Discountrue reaches out to non-profits, such as ours, to support the missions that bring help directly to you. Please check out our sponsor, Discountrue.com. Good advice, money savings everywhere - what are you waiting for? Go check them out now!
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Please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you'd like to support our organization in bringing services to hundreds of thousands of individuals who come to rely on us every single day.
- You may have come to BreastHealthOnline for a new you,but is a new career in your sights as well?Phlebotomy is one of the fastest growing occupations in America, with demand expected to continue to grow for the next ten years. At PhlebotomyTraining.Careers you'll find state-by-state requirements for Certification, as well as school listings for training programs across the country. You can find out how much phlebotomists make in each state, as well as search their job board for current employment opportunities.Interested in becoming a Phlebotomist?
One of the best benefits of breast surgery is getting to refit ourselves in clothes we never dreamed we could ever wear.
Tobi.com is a gorgeous site for beautiful clothes for the new you. Whether it's new bras or fun crop tops or white summer dresses and more, Tobi has a beautiful selection of clothing to fit every style.
Plus Tobi.com reaches out to non-profits, such as ours, to support the mission that brings help directly to you.Please check out Tobi.com and share your 'new you' photos with us when you do!
Dr. Grant Stevens is a board-certified plastic surgeon in Southern California, where he is the medical director at Marina Plastic Surgery. He is the creator of the Laser Bra and does tremendous work to change the lives and produce terrific results for breast reduction patients.
Together with Dr Luis H. Macias, the team represents the very best of cutting edge breast surgery, care and procedures. Their commitment to women, both in their practice and in the global community, is evident in all the areas of breast care, breast information, and plastic surgery that they provide.
We would like to thank the team of Dr. Grant Stevens and Dr. Luis H. Macias for supporting our mission to provide the best breast health care information and services to individuals all around the world.
Dr. Luis H. Macias is a highly-trained plastic surgeon, double board-certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and the American Board of Surgery serving Beverly Hills and Los Angeles through Marina Plastic Surgery. He specializes in aesthetic and complex reconstructive plastic surgery.
Together with Dr. Grant Stevens, the team represents the very best of cutting edge breast surgery, care and procedures. Their commitment to women, both in their practice and in the global community, is evident in all the areas of breast care, breast information, and plastic surgery that they provide.
We would like to thank the team of Dr. Luis H. Macias and Dr. Grant Stevens for supporting our mission to provide the best breast health care information and services to individuals all around the world.
Breast Oasis is a non-profit charitable organization dedicated to providing gently used bras to women who may not be able to afford them.
Like BreastHealthOnline, Breast Oasis is about women helping women. BreastHealthOnline's members frequently have bras they can no longer use, making us a perfect match for BreastOasis.org. Donating your gently used bras can make a huge difference for a woman in need. Check out BreastOasis.org and send your bras off to a new home where they're desperately needed today.